colorado floodplain gis data
Data are also available within ArcGIS Online to add to your custom map. The GIS data and services are designed to provide the user with the ability to determine the flood zone, base flood elevation, and floodway status for a particular location. Download, view, and query spatial datasets. Colorado's Decision Support Systems. An index of GIS resources is available on the HUB. GIS layers include HydroBase data such as points of diversion, wells, streams/rivers, stream gages, canals, and climate stations, irrigated acreage for various years, and other relevant layers. The filename contains the date of the extract. Polygon and other layers have been collected from other sources. See our statewide aggregated datasets! Make sure your computer meets the system requirements for viewing data layers. GIS information is used for a variety of purposes at the County such as parcel records, road maintenance, addressing, and planning. Commerce City Open Data. Anywhere from .5" to 10" being reported since Monday, with many 6"+ reports from the Boulder flood region." The user will not seek to hold the State or the Department liable under any . Identify landslide risk areas in Colorado. Colorado 100 year Floodplain 2016. Historic rains pounded Colorado's Front Range for a week in September 2013, triggering floods and mudslides that killed 10 people and caused $2 billion in damage. State Land Board. ABOUT THE CHAMP MAPS. Connect desktop GIS or CAD software to ArcGIS and WMS map services from CT ECO as an alternative to . This open, voluntary committee is made up of GIS professionals from DRCOG's member flow accumulation and watershed layers within the floodplain. The City of Commerce City provides a variety of Geographic Information Services (GIS) to our citizens in the form of static and interactive maps, data and GIS files. Here you can also discover web maps and apps our GIS team have created. The 2013 flood event caused widespread damage and changes along waterways throughout the County and in other areas of the state. Property assessment. Please submit update requests to This includes resources from many entities. Bosley Wash Detention Basin Under Construction. Click on the map or use the search tool to obtain more detailed floodplain information. This is the platform for exploring and downloading GIS data for the city of Commerce City, Colorado. Not all effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) have geographic information system (GIS) data available. As an agency heavily involved with spatial and mapping information, the CGS is moving more and more to dynamic GIS data presentation for ease-of-use and for the many options that GIS tools allow. To view a list of available county and single-jurisdiction flood study data in GIS format and check the status of the NFHL GIS services please visit the NFHL Status Page. By downloading from this page, the user agrees to the following terms and conditions. Visit the Fluvial/Erosion Hazard Mapping website. In Denver the regulatory floodplain is the same as the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). GIS Data Review Sheet This is a summery of the type of data collected on the CU Boulder campus for the utility specified below. For many parts of Colorado, 100-year floodplain zones exist only in a raster map format - these are . Explore the options below. Maps and Geographic Information Systems page.. Planning & Zoning Online Map. The TWDB generated template GIS geodatabases with multiple feature classes and tables . The IT Department's GIS Division manages distribution of GIS data for the Town of Windsor. Dark gray is all previously mapped flooding, since 1999.Light gray is a satellite-observed city lights layer. (Source: FEMA Digital Q3 Flood Data Web Site , no longer online) Please Note: For North Carolina, Q3 data is NOT the most current or accurate flood zone dataset. Interact with statewide datasets in our new GIS Data Viewer. Developing a GIS for the lower Colorado River Delta. Please note that the information on these maps and datasets may change without notice. The boundaries of the City of Broomfield and the County of Broomfield are identical in all cases. Although TWDB utilizes this data in our most commonly used maps, some of the datasets were created and are maintained by other state and federal agencies. . Search and download GIS data for Garfield County, Colorado. The digital Q3 Flood Data product can be a valuable tool in screening property addresses within a GIS to determine flood risks. The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) is a geospatial database that contains current effective flood hazard data. See also the DFO Web Map Server.Over the course of the event, remote sensing data are combined in red . Arapahoe County Government Administration Building 5334 S. Prince Street Littleton, CO 80120-1136 Relay Colorado: 711 Phone: 303-795-4400 All County Offices The city of Aurora produces a large assortment of geographic data, maps, and applications in support of operations like public safety, utilities, and planning. Data are available in shapefile, KMZ (Google Earth), and tabular format. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. The data is used widely across multiple agencies from the National Weather Service to city organizers. GIS Data? This skill could be layered into the job requirements just like the need to know CRMs, databases, or graphic . Interactive map where you search an address and receive information regarding FEMA flooding zones currently in effect for the searched address. Garfield County, Colorado | GIS Data Portal. Answer. Historical maps can also be explored in detail and downloaded via the TopoView Application (Training Video Lesson 9b). Geographic Information Systems. Website Data Links GIS catalogs ShapeFiles Agricultural Leases Oil and Gas Leases Solid Mineral Leases. Web-Based Flood Database for Colorado, Water Years 1867 through 2011. GIS Home | DEEP GIS Open Data Website GIS Data from DEEP are downloadable in Shapefile, File Geodatabase, KML, and CSV format. The Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) is a state government agency situated within the Colorado School of Mines. Website Data Links Gis Data ShapeFiles Dormant Coal Mine Fires Historic Mine Boundaries. Please call (316) 660-9290 for more information. Here are three day totals from CoCoRaHS observers in Colorado. Current effective extracts at the county level can be found at Over 100 downloadable datasets. Last updated February 5, 2020. Stream Gauging Stations Used for Baseflow Calculations. LiDAR Download. Description: Aggregate of FEMA DFIRM (digital vector only) 'Zone A' effective 100-year floodplain extents for Colorado This data is provided as guidance only and the COGCC cannot guarantee that all floodplain data will be current and/or accurate. Fluvial/Erosion Hazard Mapping. This catalog contains downloadable geographic information system (GIS) data in zipped shapefile format. The data and information presented in this viewer is the best available information provided to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) by its data contributors. Our Open Data Catalog has over 100 datasets for the public to access and utilize. This data is raw GIS data and should not be confused with a pre-rendered mapping product. In this lesson, you'll analyze Boulder County's flood- and mudslide-prone areas for vulnerable populations as part of an analysis seeking to . The following files are available for download and are in an ESRI File Geodatabase or OpenFileGDB (.gdb) and shape file (.shp) formats - NAD 1983 HARN coordinate system. This event was selected for Observatory production of map and GIS data products.This web page and associated image and map (GIS) files become the permanent Flood Observatory record of the flood. These free datasets do not require a license agreement but are covered by a disclaimer. GIS Data Layers. You may view maps of properties in Arapahoe County, verify addresses, view aerial images and retrieve information such as ownership, sales, taxes and more. The development and generation of the datasets that are published in this data release, were based on the methods and findings of the report: Kohn, M.S. Please review this information and send any questions, changes or recommendations to the CAD/GIS Office via email or by returning this hardcopy with redlines. The shapefile was generated through merging all FEMA DFIRM data (S_Fld_Haz_Ar) for all zone 'A' classifications in Colorado. The GIS datasets listed below are related to various types of natural features. Point features, where available, have been generated from the most recent HydroBase database. Geographic Information Systems A Division of Community Development 303.464.5834 The City and County of Broomfield GIS Data The City and County of Broomfield is providing selected GIS datasets for free. Not all effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) have geographic information system (GIS) data available. You may visit our National Flood Hazard Layer webpage to learn more about our available GIS data and services. Weld County provides many interactive maps, downloadable PDF documents, and GIS datasets for use by the general public. The files linked to this page have been prepared by Broomfield GIS staff. Land use planning and zoning. Currently 79 local jurisdictions and two partner agencies. All digital GIS data is provided on CD-ROM for distribution, unless other media is agreed . GIS Data. Download Seamless Wetlands Data. Southwestern Colorado Multi-County BLE/Discovery; Las Animas Risk MAP Flood Study Update; Arapahoe Risk MAP Study Update; Eagle County PMR; Adams Risk MAP Flood Study Update; Otero County FIRM and FIS Update; Mesa County Countywide FIRM Update; Ouray County FIRM and FIS Update; CO119A Physical Map Revision; Costilla County FIRM and FIS Update GIS Data :: Web Maps. Each shapefile's metadata includes publication date, contact information, and field descriptions. A hand-drawn GIS polygon for each event outlines the region affected. FEMA Enterprise GIS Services. You can use the information to better understand your level of flood risk and type of flooding. Attributes include location, length, and degree of public access to Washington state's marine shoreline. For basic map view, printing and querying, use one of the following, you can make your own maps, get . The Division of Water Resources' (DWR) database of streamflows, diversion records, lake storage levels, water rights, water right calls, well applications and more is known as HydroBase. All data provided by the Town of Windsor is projected to Colorado State Plane NAD83 HARN and can be downloaded as either an ESRI Shapefile or File GeoDatabase. The document is about the downloads available on this page. Mean annual flood and permanent water extent are blue and are above the red "flood" layer: normal annual flooding is not visible in red.. A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system that ties data and information to specific geographic locations. Geographic Boundaries. The Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Division provides the general public with a variety of planning services and information based on land development regulation and zoning resolution for the unincorporated portion of Jefferson County. From the elevation data it may be possible to construct a three-dimensional surface model of the delta region and perform a volumetric analysis of past floods. Arapahoe County provides online map services to assist with geographic and spatial queries. The Sedgwick County GIS office is open by appointment only . FEMA provides the flood hazard data to support the National Flood Insurance Program. Video: The best GIS Certificate to get you a job GIS positions and roles. Preliminary & Pending National Flood Hazard Layers Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Road networks, boundaries, etc. Click for full Aurora Maps ArcGIS Online Site. Browse & Download LiDAR data. Almost all of our current projects and publications have substantial GIS components. Layers are developed by the Sedgwick County Data Development team. FAQ Keywords. The GIS team facilitates data discussions through the Denver Regional Data Consortium (DRDC). Since 1987, GIS technology has become an integral part of almost all of Boulder County's governmental functions including: Emergency and law enforcement. The State of California and the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of data or maps. GIS data can be downloaded from the Jefferson County ESRI Open Data website . The find was later identified as the most complete skull and skeleton of a Torosaurus (a relative of Triceratops) that has ever been discovered anywhere in the world.. A Storymap of the New Draft Future Landuse Map (FLUM) GIS data offered by AlabamaView. The program was called the "Colorado Hazard Mapping Program," or CHAMP. Various kind of GIS data. Oil and Gas Floodplain - Colorado 100-year Effective as of January 28, 2016 as reported by the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission. Following the 2013 Flood, the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) initiated a program to re-map the predicted 1% annual chance flood zone (100-year floodplain) of the most affected waterways (shown in the image above). Please visit their site if you are interested in getting involved. Preliminary & Pending National Flood Hazard Layers Addressing Policy. Specialized services provide detailed information on election results, open . and Patton, T.T., 2018, Flood-Inundation Maps for the South Platte River at Fort Morgan, Colorado, 2018: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5114, 14 p., https://doi . The city's population was estimated at 386,500 on July 1, 2020. As we read through hundreds of these job announcements, it was evident that there were jobs in many industries that were requesting GIS skills such as: healthcare statistician, forester, real estate specialist. Flood Hazard Map - Address Look-Up. contains a subset of the NFHL data, in ESRI's File Geodatatbase format, and when uncompressed is about 12 Gb. NFHL_National_. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. GIS at Boulder County. Floodplain management. Major Aquifers - The 9 major aquifers of Texas as defined by the TWDB, Updated December 2006. Data, Mapping & Imaged Documents. Sedgwick County Geographic Information Services (SCGIS) provides integrated geographic mapping and analysis services and has become the primary provider of GIS data for the Wichita/Sedgwick County region. Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Requests take 2-4 weeks to process. GIS Maps are produced by the U.S. government and private companies. and Patton, T.T., 2018, Flood-Inundation Maps for the South Platte River at Fort Morgan, Colorado, 2018: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5114, 14 p., https://doi . Flood zones are currently being updated (2019) by the Colorado Water Conservation Board and are available as draft as-is data by request in County GIS Office. The Data & GIS Services Program promotes data sharing and updating to enhance southern California region-wide GIS data standardization and helps SCAG maintain effective working relationships with its member cities and key stakeholder agencies. This skill could be layered into the job requirements just like the need to know CRMs, databases, or graphic . The $2.2 million project costs were split between FEMA (75%), the State of Colorado (12.5%), and Mesa County (12.5%). Data generated by the Colorado Water Conservation Board and Colorado Division of Water Resources. Garfield County GIS Maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for land and property in Garfield County, Colorado. Much of our data can be accessed through the Regional Data Catalog. Fill out our form to request free LiDAR data. Additionally, students use GIS to identify areas in their community in the 100 year floodplain that may be at risk of flooding. Box 20000 Grand Junction, CO 81502-5001 (970) 683-4200 To view a list of available county and single-jurisdiction flood study data in GIS format and check the status of the NFHL GIS services please visit the NFHL Status Page. Maps & GIS Data Download . The Flood Planning Data Hub is the source for information compiled by the TWDB for the regional flood planning groups. The project is designed to protect against a 100 year flood event, or a flood that has a 1% of occurring in any given year. Video: The best GIS Certificate to get you a job GIS positions and roles. The city and county boundaries in a PDF format document that will easily print to an 11x17 . Also, LidarExplorer can be used for advanced searching and visualization for lidar and digital elevation models (DEMs) data. Colorado LOMR Review Program. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment . We provide a wide range of science-driven services—this website being one—bringing the best of Colorado geoscience to the public. In response, the State of Colorado is taking steps towards bolstering long-term planning and resiliency efforts by funding the Colorado Hazard Mapping Program (CHAMP) that will update local hazard information including regulatory floodplain maps for the most affected . Flood Insurance Maps & Information. A major focus of AlabamaView is to provide centralized access to downloadable remotely sensed imagery and GIS layers. This data is provided as guidance only and the COGCC cannot guarantee that all floodplain data will be current and/or accurate. Aggregate of FEMA DFIRM (digital vector only) 'Zone A' effective 100-year floodplain extents for Colorado. While the Department believes the information to be reliable and has made efforts to assure its reliability at the time the information was compiled, the information is provided "as is." FGDC metadata and cartographic symbology defined in ArcGIS layers are included in the description of each entry. Discover, analyze and download data from Adams County Colorado Government. The download includes a GIS database of place of public access to coastal shorelines. DISCLAIMER. Data is provided in ESRI shapefile and file geodatabase feature class formats. Part 2 - Explore (60 minutes) Flood Data Analysis Jigsaw; In groups, analyze flood information and data to build understanding of the causes, impacts, locations, and frequency of floods. If you need to conduct GIS analysis . The resources on this site can be used to engage others to solve important issues, while learning more about our city! Precinct delineation. GIS data layers are available as ESRI personal geodatabases, compatible with version 10.1 and later, as well as in zipped shapefiles. Resources GIS Disclaimer. Colorado Geological Survey. In order to provide a centralized repository of flood information for the State of Colorado, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Transportation, created a Web-based geodatabase for flood information from water years 1867 through 2011 and data for paleofloods occurring in the past 5,000 to 10,000 years. The City of Aurora, Colorado sits in three different counties: Adams County, Arapahoe County, and Douglas County and lies just east of the City and County of Denver. Learn more about OIT's broadband program. The information may not be represented in real-time and should not be considered as exact conditions in your area. You can contact the Jefferson County IT Services GIS team at or (303) 271-8887 M-F 7:30 - 4:30. Research Report 2013-20, Authors: Michael . Regional Regression Equations for Estimation of Natural Streamflow Statistics in Colorado. Proper use of this data will require GIS software and . This will ensure you have the latest data and reduce data management overhead. The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) is a compilation of GIS data that comprises a nationwide digital Flood Insurance Rate Map. Printed map products may also be purchased online for delivery, or from the GIS / Mapping office during standard business hours. Standard maps in PDF format can be downloaded from Maps of Jefferson County . The development and generation of the datasets that are published in this data release, were based on the methods and findings of the report: Kohn, M.S. The data can be downloaded and used directly in ArcGIS. To display and query wetlands data in your software application please use our Web Map Services. Fremont County Regional GIS Authority - 615 Macon Avenue, Suite 206 - Cañon City, CO 81215 Public data is available for download on Colorado Information Marketplace. Commerce City Open Data. AlabamaView is a consortium formed to promote research, education, and outreach of remote sensing and geographic information systems to Alabama citizenry. Larimer County GIS Digital Data. Free GIS Data - El Paso County Colorado. This information is maintained by DWR to support water administration as well as to inform the public. Red is all flooding observed for this event. Open space acquisitions, operations, and management. We also provide a select set of data in WGS 1984 coordinate system. Take the next step and create StoryMaps and Web Maps. As we read through hundreds of these job announcements, it was evident that there were jobs in many industries that were requesting GIS skills such as: healthcare statistician, forester, real estate specialist. We can be reached by the following methods: GIS DATA TABLES Maps. The map and data products are searchable through the Download Application (Training Video Lessons 4a-d). Political boundaries, TIGER 2010, 2000, 1995 and other data sets. Prowers Risk MAP Flood Study Update; Pueblo County BLE, FIRM and FIS Update; Saguache County FIRM and FIS Update; San Miguel County FIRM and FIS Update; Southwestern Colorado Multi-County BLE/Discovery; St. Vrain Watershed Risk MAP Project; Summit County BLE/Discovery; Teller County Discovery and Countywide FIRM Update; Upper White Watershed . SFHAs are high flood risk areas designated by FEMA as Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, and A99. Note: We have added support for .gdb files and discontinued support of the . ADWR Data OVERVIEWThe data on this website was developed by the Arizona Department of Water Resources to give the public access to the Department's vast store of GIS and tabular data. The DRCOG Geographic Information Systems (GIS) team prepares spatial data in support of regional planning, modeling and other efforts. Links to more Interactive Maps on our Geo Hub. If you need further assistance, please contact The most recent nationwide extract of the National Flood Hazard Layer is located here. An interactive web map focused toward the county's floodplain areas. Geographic Information System (GIS) data sets are available for download for all river basins in Colorado. The FEMA SFHAs are subject to inundation (flooding) by the 1% annual chance flood . GIS stands for Geographic Information System, the field of data management that charts spatial locations. Division Of Reclamation Mining and Safety. The software will allow users to navigate maps, filter for areas of interest and create automated email alerts for their neighborhoods or special districts in unincorporated Adams County. Data coordinates are in the UTM Zone 13 (NAD 83) projection. These data can then be used to model other flooding scenarios using . New major flood events are entered into this archive each week. Our primary mission is administration, coordination, collection, and dissemination of geographic information for FEMA and the Emergency Management Community under Emergency Support Function #5 (Information and Planning) of the National Response Framework and in support of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and . Contact Information 544 Rood Avenue Grand Junction, CO. Department 5037 P.O. Resources & Information for CLOMR and LOMR Requests. National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data can be accessed in several ways depending on your needs. Research Report 2009-14, Authors: Joseph P. Capesius and Verlin C. Stephens, Keywords: Hydraulics, Streamflow, Data Collection, Databases, GIS.
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